Installing Azure Marketplace Applications
In order to view your Azure subscription data in SHI One, including Azure Recommendations and Azure Security & Compliance, the following process must be completed.
Note that Azure GovCloud is not supported in SHI One.
Note that Azure Web Direct subscriptions (a.k.a. Microsoft Online Subscription Program [MOSP]) are not fully supported in SHI One.
- Web Direct subscriptions in SHI One will not display cost reporting or consumption data
- Web Direct subscriptions in SHI One will display data for Recommendations and/or Security & Compliance if you have set up those integrations
This is due to configuration parameters on Microsoft's end which prevent full access to Web Direct subscription data. Azure subscription types can sometimes be changed; reach out to a Microsoft or Azure team and ask if it is possible to change your Web Direct subscription to a different subscription type.
- The individual performing the steps below must be an Admin in SHI One
- The individual performing the steps below must be an Owner to the subscription being delegated in Azure
- If you are a Global Admin in Azure, you can add yourself as an Owner to be able to complete the following steps
- The Microsoft.ManagedServices resource provider must be registered for the subscription(s) being onboarded
- The Azure Marketplace Application is only added once per tenant
The Microsoft.ManagedServices resource provider must be registered for the subscription(s) being onboarded.
Log in to the Azure portal with an account that has the Owner role assigned to the subscription
Navigate to the subscriptions blade and select the subscription being onboarded
Click Resource providers

Type Microsoft.ManagedServices

Ensure the Microsoft.ManagedServices resource provider is registered. If not, Register the Resource Provider
- Please note this may take 10-15 minutes.
Make sure every subscription has the Microsoft.ManagedServices registered
Each Azure Marketplace Offer will require you to accept the access permissions required for the installed Offer. Those permissions are documented below:
SHI Azure Managed Services
Our managed service has multiple plans available.
- Basic
- Enterprise Support
- Professional
- Support Only
- Managed
SHI Cloud Governance Framework
SHI Azure Optimization
Our optimization service has multiple plans available.
- Optimization Service
- Read Only
- Read Only + Reservation Assistance
Log in to the Azure portal with an account that has the Owner role assigned to the subscription(s).
Browse to the appropriate Marketplace Offer based on the services you are using:
- SHI Azure Managed Services - Install this app if you're purchasing Azure through SHI or are engaged in professional support or managed services offerings -
- SHI Cloud Governance Framework - Install this app if you're interested in utilizing cloud governance features included in our SHI One platform -
- SHI Azure Optimization - Install this app if you're engaged in our Azure Optimization Services -
Note: These links takes you an offering on Azure Marketplace. You must be logged in to your Azure portal.
Click “Get It Now” and select the Offering that applies to the services you are using / planning to use. Follow guidance from your SHI Account Team
Select the primary subscription for deployment
Select the region to run the deployment
- The deployment must be run in a region but it is a global association to the subscription. We recommend using your most common region
Click Review + create
Check the confirmation box
- IMPORTANT - If your Create button is not highlighted: There is a bug on this page with some browsers. If the Create button does not highlight after the box is checked, click the Previous button then click Next: Review + create. All previously entered information should be retained and the Create button should now be highlighted.
Click Create
After the Azure deployment is completed, you will see a link to complete the final step of the configuration
Click "Give your partner access to your subscriptions or resource group"

For the Service Provider, select SHI
For the Name, select SHI Azure Managed Services
Click Delegate Subscriptions

Select all applicable subscriptions and click Delegate resources
Check the confirmation box
Click Delegate
You will receive a confirmation message in your Azure Notifications when the deployment is complete
- If there are any errors, please follow up with the SHI resource that provided this documentation

Note that it takes Azure up to 48 hours to grant SHI One access.
In SHI One, navigate to Support Center -> New Request -> Service Request
For Contract, select Azure
For Issue Type, select Azure - Account Management
For Issue Sub-Type, select Add-Manage Account/Subscription
In the subject box, write "Azure Tenant ID/Subscription Mapping Request"
In the description box, include every Azure Tenant ID/Subscription
Click Submit
The Support Team will inform you when the mapping process is complete; you can check the status of your ticket at Support Center -> Requests.
Once the Support Team has confirmed that the mapping process is complete, navigate to Settings -> Integrations
Verify that the slider on the right of each Azure Integration box is orange/activated

Click on each Azure Integration box to verify that every subscription's slider is orange/activated

Note that it takes Azure up to 48 hours to start sending data to SHI One.
The hourglass icon appears when Azure has not yet sent data to SHI One. It can take up to 48 hours after activating a subscription for Azure to start sending data to SHI One.

If it has been more than 48 hours since activating a subscription and the hourglass icon is still there, you can submit a support request for SHI to manually request data from Azure on your behalf. Perform the following steps:
- In SHI One, navigate to Support Center -> New Request -> Service Request
- For Contract, select Azure
- For Cloud Account, select the affected subscription
- For Issue Type, select Azure - Account Management
- For Issue Sub-Type, select Subscription Management
- In the subject box, write "Azure Subscription Manual Sync Request"
- In the description box, include the name and ID of every Azure subscription that has an hourglass icon next to it and include screenshots if possible
- Click Submit
The Support Team will inform you when the manual sync has been performed; you can check the status of your support request at Support Center -> Requests.
The red exclamation mark appears when there is an error with a subscription. Subscriptions in error are displayed with a message below explaining the nature of the error.

Because there are many error causes and possibilities, there is no way to list all potential methods of rectifying an error. Often the fastest method is to deactivate the affected subscription(s) and then perform this document's delegation process again. If that doesn't solve the problem, submit a support request in SHI One; make sure to include the name and ID of every subscription in error and include screenshots if possible.